Clean Anime is hard to come by
We're huge Anime fans here at Clean Anime. As much as we love Anime though, we don't always love every scene. Helping to provide you with the heads up on what's coming in the next episode is what we're all about.
With so many great Anime in the world, we were struggling to find the ones we could watch without handing in our moral compass. We figured we weren't the only ones with this dilemma so it was high time someone got on that!
Worried about how much violence might be in this next season? No sweat. On the lookout for when that Fanservice gets out of hand? We were too. Don't want to ditch an entire series just because of that one off scene? We gotch you.

IMG_8175 by Alan
So you say there's a fix?
There sure is! We've slogged through the rough patches so you don't have it.